Saturday, February 25, 2017

Anime Review:Kuroko no Basuke

“I am a supporting actor, a shadow. But a shadow will become darker if the light is stronger and it will make the white of the light stand out. As the shadow of the main actor, I will make you, the light, the number one in Japan.” -Tetsuya Kuroko (Kuroko no Basuke)

⇨Today’s anime review is based on Kuroko no Basuke, a sports anime about basketball🏀 that has 3 seasons with a total of 75 episodes along with some movies and ovas. It’s a really thrilling and fun to watch anime and I suggest watching it. Either way, I hope you guys enjoy this review. 😁

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Synopsis: This anime basically revolves around basketball meaning that this is a sports anime. The basic plot for Kuroko no Basuke is that a group of very talented prodigies that go by “The Generation of Miracles” that includes Ryota Kise, Shintaro Midorima, Daiki Aomine, Atsushi Murasakibara and Seijuro Akashi, go to different high schools with top basketball teams after graduating but very little know that within this group of 5 consisted of another player called a phantom sixth man who’s named Tetsuya Kuroko. He goes to Seirin and meets Taiga Kagami who is a naturally talented player that came from the U.S. and both end up playing for that school’s basketball team. They aim to bring Seirin to begin #1 in all of Japan and to do that they begin by taking on Kuroko's former teammates one by one along the way knowing the many challenges they might face that aren’t always so easy.
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Characters: The main characters are Tetsuya Kuroko, Taiga Kagami, Ryota Kise, Shintaro Midorima, Daiki Aomine, Atsushi Murasakibara and Seijuro Akashi. Each character has a very unique personality and ability that makes them so great that I grew very attached to each and every one of them. For more information on these characters, follow this link ⇨kuroko no basuke characters

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⇨ (From left to right: Taiga Kagami, Tetsuya Kuroko,  Ryota Kise, Shintaro Midorima, Daiki Aomine, Atsushi Murasakibara and Seijuro Akashi)

Animation/Artwork: I really enjoyed the artwork for this anime especially the character designs. The best part of this anime is all the cool and stunning effects they put during the games when they’re playing because it adds to the intensity which makes it so interesting and fun to watch. That’s what makes sport anime different from watching real life sports. Besides that, the best parts for Kuroko no Basuke were when the characters like Kagami and Aomine would go into the “zone” or when the others are displaying their best moves.

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                                ⇨(Kagami and Aomine in the zone)⇦

I especially liked Akashi’s emperor eye and Kuroko’s vanishing drive. I thought it was really awesome.

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                                    ⇨(Akashi using his emperor eye)⇦

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                          ⇨(Kuroko using vanishing drive)⇦

Also, all the flashing lights, music, and expressions on the character’s faces added to this anime’s greatness by a longshot. Awesome right?

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Music: I really like the opening and ending songs for Kuroko no Basuke and there were quite a lot. Also, the songs chosen were well suited for this anime and they were pretty up to beat as well which was great. That’s about it. There’s not really much to say this time.

Overall, this ends today’s anime review. Tune in next time!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Anime Review: Trigun

"No one has the right to decide whether a person will live or die." -Vash the Stampede (Trigun)

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         This week's anime review will be about Trigun and it's been a while since I've last seen it, but it really is a great anime that I consider other people giving a shot to go and watch. Either way, I hope you enjoy it and give you some insight as well.

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Synopsis: Trigun takes place in the distant future on a deserted planet that seems like an empty wasteland where life is barely sustainable. Vash the Stampede is a gunfighter who has a $60,000,000,000 bounty on his head. He gained the nickname or title of “ The Humanoid Typhoon” because he apparently leaves a trail of death and destruction wherever he goes and set foot in. Towns are evacuated upon hearing rumors of his arrival afraid of disaster coming their way. However, the real Vash the Stampede is not the same man as the rumors portray him to be and turns out that he is actually more heroic in nature or a big softie as one may say and has a heart for humankind since he avoids violence at all costs. The genre for this anime is action, comedy, and sci-fi. It was first aired in Japan on April 1st of 1998 through September 30th of 1998. There is a total of 26 episodes that range about 24 minutes each. The producer was Victor Entertainment and the licensors were FUNimation Entertainment and Geneon Entertainment USA. Want to know more, click on the link ⇨Trigun⇦(it'll show some videos, details, and photos related to this anime)
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Story/Characters:  When it comes down to the plot, it made a whole lot more sense towards the last episode where everything was finally explained because the story was jumping from one thing to another. However, I did enjoy it very much because the story for this anime was unlike any other I’ve seen and that might have been why my interest level in Trigun was skyrocketing. The story was just so splendid that I need a season two because they left me hanging and wanting more. There was a lot of development in between the episodes in my opinion because I felt that the characters went through some changes as the story kept on progressing in the episodes. The main characters which consisted of Vash the Stampede, Meryl Stryfe, Milly Thompson, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Legato and probably Knives who was the antagonist along with Legato for some parts. They are pretty much dynamic characters because somewhere along the way, they all undergo some type of inner change. The setting was basic and understanding because it all took place on a desert planet. Also, the tone and mood somewhat added to the overall anime because it would set either a really humorous or a really depressing setting which creates an atmosphere where we can all connect to in some way.

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Animation/Art: The character designs that were chosen for Trigun were really well made despite this anime being really old since it did come out around the late 1990’s. The characters all have their own unique quirks that makes them who they are. I might admit that somewhere along the way, I felt really attached to Vash the Stampede because I considered him to be one of my many favorite characters along with his brother Knives even though he was the bad guy towards the end. Besides that, the background art was really basic but since it did take on a desert-like scenario, they ended up capturing the setting really well. The animation techniques used for this anime differ greatly to know-a-days anime because over time, it has changed as improvements have been made. But, I do like how Trigun was made and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Music/OP/ED:  When I first watched the opening, it was really great because it gave me this vibe that Trigun was going to be this really cool anime where you’ve got that cool anime character that outshines everyone else. However, the opening and ending never really changed and it stayed the same till the very end. The same goes for the song that enhanced the opening. The music was really metal-like but it was catchy in a way and it suited this anime.

That's it for today, hope ya'll liked it and here's a quote that I'll just leave right here...😄

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                                         (Vash to Meryl)

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Anime Review: One-Punch Man

"The true power of us human beings is that we can change ourselves on our own" -Saitama (One-Punch Man)"

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     As of today, all of my posts will consist of anime reviews based on what I feel from watching these anime. This also gives people some insight about what this specific anime is about and whether or not it takes into their fancies. Either way, I hope you enjoy these anime reviews.😄

Anime (One-Punch Man)

Synopsis: This anime basically revolves around the main protagonist which happens to be Saitama who’s a hero just for fun. He used to be a normal guy until one day he decided to change all that and became the strongest hero there is after doing some gruesome training that almost killed him. But in the end, he became too strong and now he can easily obliterate any opponent with just one punch and with monsters crawling all about in the city that happened to strike Earth one unfaithful day, Saitama seeks out an opponent stronger than him who he can take on to take away his boredom. Throughout this series, Saitama meets many friends and foes and one of them happens to be his disciple named Genos, a cyborg who wishes to become just as strong as he is. They both end up joining the Hero Association in order to become a true hero to gain some recognition and that is when the real story begins. The genre for One-Punch Man includes action, comedy, and superpower. The date of airing in Japan was on October 5, 2015 with a grand total of 12 episodes and the name of the production company is called Madhouse. If you want to learn more, go to this link⇨One-Punch_Man

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Story/Characters: I believe that the the way the anime was plotted was pretty good despite there being so many events going on within each episode. I really liked the way each episode had a different story to tell and also that within each battle, there will always be a new and stronger opponent to fight. Each fight scene was filled with different excitement and zing to it. For example, the last fight between Saitama and Boros was the most buzzing and exhilarated battle because not only was it the first time where Saitama wasn’t able to destroy a monster with just a single punch, but it was also the longest and most action packed scene there was throughout the whole anime. It was such an epic clash that I got all hyped up. Also, to back myself up, Gigguk from Patreon ⇦(click there to see his posts) made a video called "5 BRILLIANT Fight Scenes in Anime" (on Youtube) that well explains how this fight scene manages to capture the spectacle so well and how everything that was happening was so ridiculous that it displayed crazy proportions as to when Saitama was blasted to the moon and acting like it was nothing. Besides that, the characters that took part in this anime are all unique and they all posses a different personality. The main characters, Saitama and Genos were my favorites. I’m not so positive as to say whether they were static or dynamic but I’m going to go and say that were dynamic because in a way, they both changed a little. Either way, there were plenty of more side characters such as Mumen Rider, Sonic (a.k.a. the modern ninja), the S class heroes, Amai Mask, and plenty more. One thing that I have to say is that Saitama was way too overpowered from my perspective. Overall, I would say that the setting and tone added on to the anime by creating the mood to set the pace and feeling when being watched. (However you have to watch this anime to understand)

(Saitama) (Genos)
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Animation/Art: I have to say that the character designs were really different from the ones that I usually tend to know. I think that the most quirky character design would be Saitama’s because his hero costume is really basic despite him being the strongest hero but I have nothing against it because Saitama is pretty awesome. But when comparing him with Genos, Genos is like one of the most awesome and cool looking guys that every girl would fall for in an anime. I guess that would be what makes this anime so fun and interesting. Despite that, the animation adds on to the intensity for One-Punch Man and quoting what  Gigguk said in his video, “the trailing lights speeds, the exaggerated movements within every impact, the particle effects, all these techniques help increase the power of everything happening in each battle scene.” I felt that the art and scenery enhanced the animation to show off the detailed and explicit work that was put into making this anime and it turned out really outstanding considering that it is one of the most popular and well-known series out there.

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Music/OP/ED:  Finally, when it came down to One-Punch Man, the one thing that everyone will take notice on will be the opening song. Once the opening started to play, the first thing that’ll be said will be with an intense shout that screams “ONE PUNCH!!!” and from there on out, you start to feel a sense of thrill and exhilaration that at one point you'll get caught singing along to the song because of the vibe it gives off. I myself was so fascinated with the music that I started to sing along to the opening inside my head because it was also pretty catchy. To be honest, the overall song enhanced the anime by quite a lot because it displayed how action packed it was going to be. However, when it came down to the ending song, it was the complete opposite. In other words, the ending song wasn't as exciting and up to beat as the opening, so instead, it gave off a more calm and soothing effect that took away from the whole anime. The ending wasn’t bad, it just went into a different direction from the opening almost as if to show to different sides of the anime and set a new tone in my opinion..... and this was it folks. This ends today's anime review. See yah next time!😁

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