Sunday, November 20, 2016

My views on Anime...

"We are all like fireworks, rising, shining, scattering, and finally fading." -Toshiro Hitsugaya (Bleach)

     Everybody has different views about anime. There are some people who like it and those who don't or they just don't know that it exists. Setting that aside, when it comes down to my own personal views, they can differ in many ways possible. Well... I may be exaggerating that a bit. But that's not the point. I'm actually a difficult person who is hard to understand and at times, I don't even understand myself. However, there is one thing that I do get, and that is anime. I would consider myself an otaku which I slightly mentioned in my previous post and if you don't know what that is because I forgot to mention it, then it is basically a Japanese term referring to a person who is pretty much obsessed with some interests that are commonly in the anime or manga fandom. I am pretty much that person and I am proud enough to say that I'm an otaku for life! (dramatic music playing in the background).....

     Getting back on topic, when I feel like telling people about my thoughts on anime, it gets really weird or in some cases "awkward' especially if that person has no idea what you're talking about or they just don't really care at all. Then there will be a time where they just completely ignore you and change the topic!!! I'm just there sitting and staring at them internally screaming inside my head, not saying a word, just staring with this glare and the tension that you just want to get up and smack them in the head and then just walk away pretending that nothing ever happened. I've had those cases happen to me before. No lie. I've had it happen with my own friends that I consider very dear to me, and I was utterly dead inside at that point. There is one exception though, I have this 'one' friend (who I shall not mention) that I can relate to a lot. We have so many things in common....or at least I think we do. I'm not sure anymore. Anyways, I feel like I can talk to her about anything (my friend is a girl if you didn't catch that...just saying). Whenever I feel so strongly motivated or hyped to get out and share this new anime that came out or whenever there's this really good-looking guy in the series you're watching that you start to develop a fictional crush, she's the first person I tell.

     All things considered, anime is somewhat a part of my life and who I am in general. I find it quite pleasing to watch and by all means, I believe that anime is way better than cartoons. Without it, life would be extremely boring for me because I find excitement whenever I watch a new series or a new episode. Anime is technically my escape from the real world. I absolutely would not be able to live if it didn't exist. Furthermore, I can always find something worth watching and interesting to take up my time. I just love the feeling I get whenever I see something like an intense battle that sends chills up my spine, or a sad-scene that makes me tear up, or even romantic part that makes me question "I wish I had that". This emotion I get is like no other. Honestly, what I find so fascinating is that I feel so invested into the entertainment value and the quality of the story that I end up getting attached to it along with the characters that are also well thought. And that's it.

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