Sunday, December 4, 2016

My Favorite???

"There is no time like the present, I guess." - Hatake Kakashi (Naruto)

     Coming up with topics to talk about is actually pretty difficult. I'm quite stumped at the moment as to what I should write on. Considering that I'm still talking about Anime,  I have incorporate something related to it in a way that makes sense. So, I'll have to make this short and simple. 

     Okay, so first of all, I'm not so sure if I should call this a rant but for the sake of this I'm going to say it is. Since I've been pretty lazy today, I'm not going to write as much as I normally would so that's that.

     Anyways, there have been moments in my life where I happen to stumble upon someone who I can relate to when it comes down to anime business. But something that I absolutely hate is when people ask me the same question that just happens to come up in every conversation I have. And that is "What Anime do you like?" and I'm just there sitting and staring back at them with a blank face. The first thing that pops up in that head of mine is "what?" and "IDK". This always ticks me off and sometimes I feel like I should just set people strait. Like really?

     You may not understand is, but in my case it's a problem. For someone like me who watches anime 24/7 and has seen a ton of them to be asked such a question is like practically shooting me in the heart. Well, actually that may have been over exaggerated a bit. Besides that, getting back to point I was trying to make is that I have a lot and I mean a lot of favorite anime shows. Choosing one is really hard. I can't make up my mind so I tend to say nothing. I can like take out a whole list of my favorites and be like "BAM" there's my list from A-Z. But I cant't seem to choose one to claim my top #1. That's just not possible for me. I really just can't. I prefer to just have plenty of favorites than one only.
  There could be people out there who might have experienced this and knows how it feels or I hope they do. In the end, that's all I have to rant about. FIN...

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