Sunday, January 15, 2017

Anime for LIFE?

“As long as you're alive...As long as you're running...You've got to give it everything you've got, or you'll have nothing left. I allowed myself to be satisfied with just having fun in the moment. But if you don't hold on to what you have, everything will be gone in an instant.” -Kazama Jin (Days)

There has been one thing that has been kept in the back of my mind for quite some time. I've been thinking and thinking about it for so long that I'm going to explain what it is. My only reason for me bringing it up is that it might relate to some people as well, or maybe not and it's just me. Either way, I've been pondering whether or not I'll continue to watch anime for life. In other words, until I'm an adult and possibly until I grow old and die. The answer is “YES!!!”. It was pretty obvious because there is no way for me to stop watching anime. I've become so attached to it that I'm just going to stick with it and I'm not complaining or anything. I even picture myself in the future still watching anime. It was quite a laugh, but I'm okay with it. I would like to actually continue watching anime despite my age. I'd probably be living by myself, lying on my bed in a dark lit room, eating a bunch of snacks and watching anime on my phone while excluding the outside world from interfering with my personal fantasy land on a daily basis. Now that I think about it, I already do all of this except that I don't live all by myself...yet.

I also prefer to not watch anything else except for a few shows that keep within my interests. Since we don't really have cable in my house, I had to stick with watching qubo or ion life. There really wasn't a lot of options to choose from to watch during my free time, so I stuck to getting an app on my phone that lets me watch all the anime I want for free. I ended up sticking with it ever since for the past 6 years almost 7.

I've also been wondering that there's so much anime to watch that's it's most likely impossible for me to watch all of them and there's also new series that keep airing each year. The only good outcome is that there's always something interesting to see that fits within your favorite genres or specific type. I always find something to keep me entertained so I never grow bored. I'm quite pleased because of it and that's about it.

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