This week's anime review is based on Arslan Senki or in other words, The Heroic Legend of Arslan. This anime was premiered in the Spring of 2015 with a grand total of 25 episodes. This anime features some action, adventure, historical, drama, fantasy, and shounen. There's also some violence and profanity. Well, it's "WAR" so it makes sense to see some heads roll off or any hacking away at someone with a sword or spear. I just so happened to finish this anime in about a week and in my opinion, it was awesome! I don't particularly watch any war anime or of such, but this series was quite the thrill. I enjoyed it very much and I would recommend this to anyone out there that's interested. Either way, Enjoy!

Synopsis: Background, according to MyAnimeList "The year is 320. Under the rule of the belligerent King Andragoras III, the Kingdom of Pars is at war with the neighboring empire, Lusitania."
So basically, this anime revolves around the young prince Arslan. As mentioned up above, his father the King, goes to war with Lusitania. On the day of Arslan's maiden battle, the knights of Pars thought that they would surely win since they have never been defeated in battle. However, they were proven wrong when they are betrayed by some of their comrades and are led to a trap. The Lusitanians take the upper hand and dominate and seize Pars. With the King taken prisoner and the Queen to be married to the other King, Arslan is forced to retreat alongside with Darynn or the "Black Knight". In his journey, Arslan acquires new allies and friends to help him take back his homeland and the throne. He also faces several challenges along the way that force him to make some drastic choices as the Lusitanians are also after his head. During this time, the prince must find his resolve in order for him to be crowned the King of Pars.

Characters: There are several main characters for this anime. In the picture below, you'v got the most important characters. Starting from left to right, you've got....Arslan, Daryun, Narsus, Elam, Farangis, and Gieve. But of course, there are other minor characters that come out in the anime. If interested to find out a bit more and gain some knowledge on these characters, go to this link⇨arslansenki-characters. Also, just to put it out favorite characters are Daryun and Gieve. The rest are okay.

Art/Animation: I liked the art. When I first began to watch it, it reminded me of Fullmetal Alchemist because I somewhat saw a resemblance in the art. In continuation, the character designs were awesome and I was fully enthralled into watching each and every episode. The animation was amazing. The sword clashing and the way everything played out was outstanding.
Music: The first opening and ending were great! The second opening and ending was okay. Basically, I loved the first OP and ED. They were up to beat and I felt like I could listen to it every other day to the point where I get annoyed. That'aes about it for this little section.
Overall, this concludes this week's anime review. Tune in next time!
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