This week's anime review is based on Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu or also known as Parasyte. A pretty popular series that came out during the fall of the year 2014. With a total of 24 episodes, this anime falls under action, sci-fi, horror, psychological, drama, and seinen for genre type. It's an intense-filled anime with suspenseful moments to keep you watching for more as the wave of death hits. I highly recommend you to watch this, even though at first I was not into it but I realized it's worth it. Hopefully you get a bit of insight and maybe even give it a try. お楽しみください。(*please enjoy)

Synopsis: Background according to MyAnimeList, "All of a sudden, they arrived: parasitic aliens that descended upon Earth and quickly infiltrated humanity by burrowing into the brains of vulnerable targets. These insatiable beings acquire full control of their host and are able to morph into a variety of forms in order to feed on unsuspecting prey."

BTW, it's not snowing, those green-like things are actually the parasites descending onto Earth.
(Now back to me) So basically, this anime revolves around Izumi Shinichi, a 16 year-old high school student that ended up becoming victim to these parasitic aliens. However, it fails to take over his brain so his right arm was taken over. Unlike other parasites that managed to take the brain of other humans, Shinichi has to coexist with the one in his arm which is later name Migi. Because of this, Migi also needs to rely on Shinichi if they want to manage staying alive. Many events befall them that lead to tragedy, death, and a lot of doubt. Watch this anime, I recommend it.

Characters: There are several characters for this anime. The ones shown in the picture below are basically the main ones, but there are a couple of other characters that show up within the series that play a small part. Well either way, starting from left to right is Akiho Suzuki, Yuko Tachikawa, Kana Kimishima, Satomi Murano, Migi, Shinichi Izumi, Uragami, and Ryoko Tamiya (Reiko Tamura). For a better understanding of their background, click this link⇨ shinigamilist.com

Art/Animation: The art was great and the way that the parasites where made were kind of freaky looking but I didn't mind that. In a way they were pretty cool, especially Migi which I loved the most. The backgrounds for the scenery was good and the characters designs were also great. The animation was awesome. The fighting between parasites was the best part. The swinging of blades and the way those weird like tentacles (I don't know what to call them) were moving so fast added to the intensity.
↪This is what it looks like when a parasyte takes over the human brain and is in control of the body...creepy right? hehe😁
↪This is what I meant when I said the swinging of the blades and weird like tentacles.The fast moving motion and the sparks take this to a whole other level.

↪Here's Migi....Migi is just weird but also quite lovable in a unique way.

↪I seriously thought that Migi was going to end Satomi there and then, but I guess not. Look at those claws though...lookin' sharp I see.😉
Music: The opening and ending for Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu was good and the music that went with it was splendid. Overall, I enjoyed watching the OP and ED.
This concludes this week's anime review. 次回にチューニングします。(*Tune in next time)
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